Cemetery Location Description:
OGSCN: 149840. Sect: SW corner of NW 1/4 of S10. Location: 0.1 mile south of entrance to County Airport. 600 feet east of State Route 335. Behind and south of Shumway #1.
38.8379, -82.8501
Google Map:
360° View:
Walking Tour of Shumway Cemetery #2:
November 28, 2020 Cemetery Visit:
Stories from Shumway Cemetery #2:
Shumway Cemetery #2 WPA Veterans Burial Map:
Additional Sources:
Cemetery Notes:
- Last visited July 9, 2023. Cemetery was well-maintained. Description given in the Ohio Genealogical Society’s Ohio Cemeteries 1803-2003 may confuse those that are relying on its information without having actually visited Shumway #1 and #2. Shumway #1 is between two residential structures and is a single-family cemetery with markers from the late 1800’s to early 1900’s with no burials marked or indicated for 1822 as stated in the book. Those older burials are located in Shumway #2. This has led to some confusion to those doing data entry to FindAGrave and as a result burials for one cemetery have ended up in the other. Correction of these errors are ongoing.
Page Updated On:
July 31, 2023