Shaw-Davis Cemetery – Lewis County, Kentucky

Cemetery Location Description:

Located on a hill above part of the old Bagby farm near Quincy. Was part of the old Bagby farm until 1864 when this portion was sold. Referred to by the Portsmouth Times: on Saturday 14 Jun 1879, as the Davis Cemetery in a death announcement and then on Saturday, June 3, 1893 as the Shaw Burying Grounds in a death announcement.

It’s up on a hill behind a big barn, right before you get to Rock Creek Road(if you’re coming from Portsmouth). There is a two story brick home with white pillars on the front that sits way back off the highway. Out on the highway there are a pair of brick driveway pillars. Turn in like you are going to that home, then follow the driveway to the left toward the big barn. You’ll see the road going up to the cemetery on the right once you pull down in there. The road is loose gravel so be careful. Might want to walk up the first time.


38.648203, -83.108560

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February 23, 2020 Cemetery Visit

Stories from Cemetery Name

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Page Updated On:

September 30, 2020