Cemetery Location Description:
OGSCN: 11007. Location: 0.5 mile north of County Road 41. Big Spruce-Little Bear Creek Road.
Google Map:
360° View:
Walking Tour of Morgan Cemetery:
Month 99, 2020 Cemetery Visit:
Stories from Morgan Cemetery:
Morgan Cemetery WPA Veterans Burial Map:
Additional Sources:
Cemetery Notes:
- 20240426 A review of the directions provided shows that the cemetery would be on Parcel 23-0916.000 and a review of Google Streetview imagery appears to show flattened headstones on the west side of Big Spruce Little Bear Creek Road in a grove of trees that are between the road and creek. This would be the South-west boundary of the property.
- 20240426 In the vicinity of 38.79930052315986, -83.18944557273718
Page Updated On:
April 26, 2024