Cemetery Location Description:
OGSCN: 11031. Location: 0.5 mile south of Mount Hope Church. On east side of Clinton Furnace Road. On hill. Stones: 1.
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Month 99, 2020 Cemetery Visit:
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Cable Cemetery WPA Veterans Burial Map:
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Cemetery Notes:
- 20230105: Approximate location by location directions provided: 38.71259364514993, -82.72110891545087.
- 20230105: Cemetery appears to be located on Parcel 25-0548.000 owned by George T. & Mary Ann Lore (2024).
CABLE CEMETERY is located .5 mile fram Mt. Hope Church, on Clinton Furnace Rd., right side of the road, up a hill from where an old house used to be. It was recorded May 1985 by Jean and Delmar Hamm and Marguerite Ramsey:
-CABLE, Solamon b. Nov 1, 1817 d. Sept 28, 1876
Page Updated On:
April 11, 2024