“Thomas Miller, who was appointed by the water works board last evening as a member of the street force, was formerly a member of the police force, being appointed by our reform Mayor Hall. It will be remembered that while on the force Tom conceived a great friendship for a Continue Reading
Martin Luther Wolford Dies at Athens Hospital
“Judge Sikes on Thursday received a telegram announcing the death of Mark K. Wolfard, a Scioto county patient at the Athens hospital. He was committed in March, 1906, and has rapidly declined.” “Before his affliction, Mr. Wolfard was a prominent school teacher of the west end of the county. His Continue Reading
Dying Wish is Held Sacred
Charles E. Winters, a clothing designer from New York, is leaving his position at Schwartz Clothing in Portsmouth to join his brother JR Winters in a new business in Easton, Pennsylvania, following the former proprietor’s death. The opportunity at the leading tailoring store in Easton is deemed a lifetime chance.
Think Suicide is Wash Baker
“The finding of the badly decomposed body of a man, apparently 70 or 75 years of age, hanging from the limb of a tree in the woods four miles from Stewartsville, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, leads to the theory that the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Wash Baker, the Continue Reading
A Fiend Inoculated for a Diabolical Purpose.
“Theodore Stimel, hailing from Ironton, was found by Dr. Davidson, last Tuesday, lying on the cmmonds, in a high stage of fever, and was removed to the hospital yard, where a small house was erected for his especial occupancy. Later it was ascertained that Stimel had the smallpox, and was Continue Reading
The Lunacy Inquest of Joseph Vollmer
“An inquest of lunacy was held upon Joseph Vollmer, of Fifth street, yesterday. He will be taken to Athens Asylum in a few days, as sn as the authorities of that institution can be heard from.”
Their Final Hunt
Adolph Glockner and Henry Frowine left Wednesday for Powellsville on the final quail hunt of the season. They have been very successful from the start and got their full quota almost every day spent in the field. Erik Thomson has bagged 185 quail to date.”
Red Stockings vs. Riversides
“The Red Stockings, of Cincinnati, write to the Riverside ball club that they will play a match game on the grounds of the Riverside the second week in October.” “The Favorites, of Covington, were unable to play the Riversides today, but will positively be here next week, the day to Continue Reading
Another Fatal Case of Diphtheria
“The first child that was attacked by diphtheria on the West Side proved fatal Monday morning at an early hour. Chelsey Moore, the bright infant son of James Moore, is the one we refer to. He survived until the disease had spread among other children, suffered perhaps intensely and then Continue Reading
Three Draw Fine on Liquor Counts
“Three person were fined when arraigned before Judge Horace L. Small in municipal court Friday on charges of violating state liquor laws.” ‘Thomas Holloway, 32, of Carey’s Run, charged with manufacturing liquor, was fined $100 and costs. He was placed under six months probation as to $75 of the fine.” Continue Reading