“Mrs. Peyton, the wife of the man who was shot by a Constable in Brush Creek township last fall, and who afterward died at the Infirmary is now in that institution. She says she has friends back of Maysville, Kentucky, and is anxious to reach them. The woman has a few small articles at her …
The Death of James Peyton in the Infirmary
“About a month since the Trustees of Brushcreek township had this attention called to the cruel and inhuman treatment of a child of James Peyton by Mrs. Peyton, its stepmother, the child having been most cruelly beaten with a club. The Board had a warrant issued for the arrest of the woman and the custody …
Coffrin’s Cruciation: A Democrat Demurs
“Washington Township, January 2, 1877. Editor Times: The people of the west side are still in the dark as to the reasons for the removal of Superintendent Coffrin, from the management of the County Infirmary and farm. It is the opinion of nine-tenths of the people in the township, that the Infirmary and farm were …
Jacob Bard Dies at the Infirmary
“Jacob Bard, an inmate of the County Infirmary, died in his 70th year last Tuesday.”
Infirmary Director Candidates Announced
“We are authorized to announce the name of CG Windel as a candidate for Infirmary Director, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention.” “We are authorized to announce AS Haines as candidate for Infirmary Director, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention.”
Cowardly Craig Corrects
“Last Saturday we published an article reflecting on the management of the County Infirmary. To it has been made more than one reply. The writer has been slandered by the Superintendent, the Director has seen fit to charge some of its truths with being false, while the man who has the farm under his control, …
1872: Annual Report of the Directors of the Infirmary for the City of Portsmouth
“The Directors of the Infirmary for the City of Portsmouth, herewith present a report of their official action during the year ending March 1, 1872.” “The expenditures for the relief of the poor may be classed under the following heads, with the amount in each class:” Subsistence: $643.30Coal: $587.30Salaries of directors and physicians: $525.00Burial expenses: …
Dr. Vaughters Pays Tribute to William Shaffer
“Dr. TG Vaughters, physician of the County Infirmary, in a recent letter to the Tribune in regards to the condition of that institution, pays the following deserved compliment to Mr. William Shaffer, the late Superintendent, and his excellent lady:” “‘The retiring Superintendent, we believe, has fully sustained his character for integrity, kindness and high executive …