A timelapse video of the cleaning of the grave marker of Charles Mabery Baggs, son of Frank M Baggs and Eda J Pratt, who was born February 27, 1901, and died January 27, 1927, and was buried at Greenlawn Cemetery in Portsmouth, Ohio. During World War I he enlisted into Continue Reading
Headstone Cleaning: Mary Ann Kerrigan and Sarah Maria Kerrigan
A timelapse video of the cleaning of the grave marker of Mary Ann Kerrigan and Sarah Maria Kerrigan, daughters of Patrick and Mary Kerrigan. Mary Ann Kerrigan was born February 6, 1866, and died July 13, 1868, aged 2 years, 5 months, and 7 days. Sarah Maria Kerrigan was born Continue Reading
George Forsyth and Kinniconick
“The Maysville and Big Sandy Railroad bed was laid through Stone City, Lewis County during 1853-1854. When the Maysville and Big Sandy Railroad engineers reached Kinniconick bottoms, a bridge had to be built over Kinniconick Creek.” “They met on the land of William Moss, October 1853, at the place where Continue Reading
Dizzy Blonde Caught by Police
“Paradise Alley came to the front Wednesday night with a candidate for the lock-up. Mae Bishop a dizzy damsel of the blondine type, was making merry and the cruel and unfeeling police gathered her in, and she was taken to the Court street station.” “Miss Bishop was sporting a rig, Continue Reading
Death Takes Old Citizen: Patrick Kerrigan
“Patrick Kerrigan well and favorably known to many citizens, passed away at his home, 20 West Seventh street, Wednesday evening at 6 o’clock.” “He was born in West, Mayo county, Ireland, and was 83 years of age. In his youth, he followed blacksmithing, and later having come to this country Continue Reading
1940: Garfield School
The Fourth Grade class of Ruth Pray at Garfield School in Portsmouth, Ohio in 1940.
Albert Adair Williams Killed in France
From the United States Veterans Administration Master Index comes the enlistment record of Private Albert Adair Williams, a soldier who was killed in action during World War I, and who rests at Greenlawn Cemetery in Portsmouth, Ohio. Just three short months before Albert’s enlistment in May 1917 his young wife, Continue Reading
Dieterich Composite at Greenlawn Cemetery
A composite image of two unknown females standing near the grave of Columbia Dieterich at Greenlawn Cemetery in Portsmouth, Ohio.
The Drake Family: One Mystery Leads to Another
West Union Village Cemetery, also known as “The Old Cemetery” is atop a small hill at the southern terminus of Market Street in West Union, Adams County, Ohio. The cemetery is neatly divided in half by a paved road; with northern hillside being the historic section, it’s southern slope a Continue Reading
Aaron Milison Dies On Tuesday
“In the sudden death of Aaron Milison at his home on Carey’s Run, Tuesday morning, the West Side loses one of its best citizens.” “Of a quiet and retired disposition Mr. Milison was happiest in his own home and when surrounded by his own people. In appearance, he resembled descriptions Continue Reading