The original grave marker, No. 22, and the supplementary marker for Susan Browning, before the original marker was raised and repaired and the supplementary marker set. A line was anchored the length of the row to keep the markers in alignment. The last entry for Susan Browning in the Scioto County Infirmary Superintendent’s Record of …
Restoration Efforts Approved by Scioto County Commissioners
During the regular scheduled January 27, 2022, meeting of the Scioto County Commissioners communication was received from Wandering Appalachia to the Scioto County Commissioners requesting that permission be granted to begin restoration efforts at the Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery in West Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio, with the intended goal being that supplementary markers be placed …
Scioto County Infirmary 1890 Record of Inmates
A digitized page from the Scioto County Infirmary’s Record of Inmates Volume 0 showing the census of the Infirmary in 1890. The above page will be included into the research of an inmate who is buried in the nearby Infirmary Cemetery. To date this volume in its entirety has been captured and as of this …
Letter to the Scioto County Commissioners in Regards to the Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery
Dear Commissioners: My name is Eli Allen and I am a genealogist and local historian. As native of Scioto County and West Portsmouth I have long held a strong interest in the history of the former Scioto County Infirmary, also known as the County Home, and those that both were wards of the County and …
Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery
A few weeks ago I knew that I needed to take a recreational flight to record the current Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery located in West Portsmouth, Scioto County, Ohio near Earl Thomas Conley Park. This is the result.
Infirmary Grave #21: George Mustard
In a corner of Earl Thomas Conley Park, and within the confines of the Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery, is Grave #21. Beneath this broken stone marker is the mortal remains of George Mustard. George Flood Mustard, son of Enoch Enos Mustard and Mary Smith, is believed to have been born in Scioto County on June …
Infirmary Grave #3: Elizabeth Colegrove
Background In 2015 I began researching the Scioto County Infirmary Cemetery that sits adjacent to Earl Thomas Conley, on what was once the Scioto County Infirmary Farm. On a low rise, in the corner of a former milk cow pasture, are rows of freestone and marble grave markers. The earlier freestone grave markers occupying one …
West Portsmouth Man Arrested on 3 Charges
“Ronnie Staggs, 18, of 2003 Galena Pike, West Portsmouth, is to appear in Municipal Court November 6 to enter pleas to charges of eluding a police officer, reckless operation and speeding. Staggs is free on bonds totalling $150.” “Staggs was arrested early Sunday by Deputy Sheriff John Dayan after Staggs allegedly ignored warning to stop …
Mrs. Etta May Roberson Dinch
“Mrs. Etta May Dinch, 74, died at 8 AM, today at the Scioto County Home. She was the widow of Marvin Dinch. Mrs. Dinch was a member of Oswego Baptist Church.” “She is survived by two brothers, Orville Roberson, 4247 Oak St., New Boston, and JC Roberson, 1507 High St.” “Funeral arrangements are under the …
Marvin Dinch Obituary
“Graveside services are to be conducted Monday afternoon in the Scioto County Home cemetery for Marvin Dinch, 77.” “Mr. Dinch died at 11:30 AM Thursday at Scioto County Home. He was born September 28, 1884, in the Otway community.” “Surviving are his wife, Etta, a resident at the Scioto County Home.” “The body is at …