“River News.- The river raised since our last issue enough to float the Telegraph, but at this time is falling rapidly.”
“The Mountain Belle has entered the Portsmouth and Guyandotte trade, under the command of the veteran boatman, Captain Jack McAllister, James Patterson is in the office.”
“The Andes has taken the place of the Bostona in the Cincinnati trade, with the popular officers of the latter aboard.”
“The Exchange has taken the place of the Fleetwood, and the Granite State that of the Telegraph.”
“The Chesapeake is being painted and refitted at Ironton.”
“Manchester is wanting a wharfboat.”
“The wharfboat here has been dropped down nearly opposite the foot of Jefferson street, and will undergo some repairs.”
“Captain John McAllister has recovered, and was a passenger on the Fannie Dugan last Wednesday.”1