“Elizabeth Taylor Hyatt, wife of CC Hyatt, died Sunday evening at ten minute before six o’clock, after a lingering illness, aged 79 years, 5 months and 12 days. She was a patient sufferer, looking forward to a better life with a Christian hope. She born in Maryland, near Baltimore, May 29th, 1807, and was married to Mr. Hyatt February 24, 1846. Her only child is Mrs. Dr. McClure1, herself as invalid, and unable to be at the bedside of her mother when she died. Deceased joined the Methodist Church in 1832, and her husband the same year. She was an affectionate lady, kind-hearted and motherly, and greatly beloved by all who knew her. She was a member of Sixth Street ME Church, from which her funeral took place Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Hyatt this loses the companion who for forty years has trod the path of life with him. His many friends sympathize with him in his affliction.”2
- Amelia Helen Hyatt McClure
- Death of mrs. C.C. Hyatt. (1886, November 6). Portsmouth Times, p. 3.