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Amos George Dies at the Gallipolis Hospital for Epileptics

Amos George Dies at the Gallipolis Hospital for Epileptics
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Amos George Dies at the Gallipolis Hospital for Epileptics

Amos George, a Scioto county patient at the Gallipolis Hospital for Epileptics, died at that Institution Wednesday night. Efforts of Justice Sikes to find any of his local relatives failed Wednesday and his body will be buried at Gallipolis.”

“The records show that George was committed to the hospital from the Scioto County Infirmary just five years ago on the date of his death. He was then 33 years of age and his attacks were of daily occurrence. His father John George was then a resident of Portsmouth, but no trace has been secured as to his present whereabout.”1

  1. Local man dies at epileptic hospital. (1907, January 12). Portsmouth Times, p. 8.
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