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The Obituary of Orme Noel

The Obituary of Orme Noel
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The Obituary of Orme Noel

Orme Noel, the five year old son of WHH1 and Mary Noel, died last Saturday afternoon, at four o’clock after an illness of little more than a week. His disease was believed to have been scarlet fever. Orme was more than ordinarily intelligent, and his actions were so manly, and his conversation evinced so much reason and thought for one of his tender age, that he had become a general favorite throughout the neighborhood. The grief stricken parents and aged grandmother have the sincerest sympathy of the entire community in this, their sad bereavement. The funeral services were held last Monday, at 10 AM at the residence of the parents, the Reverend. Mr. Ketchum, of Portsmouth, officiating. the remains were interred in the family burying ground, on Aaron Noel’s farm.”2

  1. William Henry Harrison Noel
  2. (1878, October 5). Portsmouth Times, p. 1.
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