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The Obituary of Charles McNamar

The Obituary of Charles McNamar
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The Obituary of Charles McNamar

“Died , on Tuesday, July 11th, at five o’clock in the morning, Charles O. McNamar, aged 26 years, 8 months and 10 days.”

“The deceased was a man that was well-spoken of by all that were acquainted with him. He was a man that never drank any intoxicating liquors. He was never known to use profane oaths. Some five or six months since he attached himself to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was a faithful member until his death. He was not in the best health for some time, and he had undertaken too much work for the summer, and so ambitious was he to succeed, that he actually did work when he was sick. The immediate cause of his death was the typhoid fever. It was at first a low grade of fever, but by his working, he brought the fever on in its worst form, and he was stricken down and soon passed off. A few days before his death, when he was suffering with a raging fever, he said ‘I don’t think it will be so hot with God.'”

“The deceased leaves a young wife and one child1 on to mourn his loss.”

“The funeral services were conducted by the Reverend Mr. Leslie, and the remains were followed to the grave by a large concourse of his friends.”2

  1. Lillie May McNamar was born October 23, 1874. She lost her father on July 11, 1876, and her mother, Adelaide Smith on April 26, 1878. She was raised by her maternal grandmother, Eveline Christina Smith, the widow of Isaiah Warren K Smith, until she married Dean S. Efner in Nebraska in 1901.
  2. Obituary. (1876, July 15). Portsmouth Times, p. 2.
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