“Thomas Miller, who was appointed by the water works board last evening as a member of the street force, was formerly a member of the police force, being appointed by our reform Mayor Hall. It will be remembered that while on the force Tom conceived a great friendship for a colored woman named Jackson, and other notorious characters, and the tale of his orgies in the Gay street engine house, as published at the time, was one of the most disgusting and disgraceful occurrences that ever happened in this city. On a certain night the Jackson woman stole Tom’s badge and kept it. The fact becoming known to Marshall Schmidt, the matter was investigated, and the whole thing came out. And yet, though there are hundreds of decent, honest, hardworking Republicans in the city who would be glad of a chance to earn $45 a month, this Republican board must hire this man Miller. They could not have been unfamiliar with his record. It is very likely that he has control of some of the “bum element” and will swing it to Goddard for congress. And then again, since women can vote nowadays, the fact of his well known influence with a certain class of them may have caused his selection. Who knows?” 1
Current Article:
Thomas Miller Elected
Thomas Miller Elected
October 21, 2024
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