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The Death of Engineer McAllister

The Death of Engineer McAllister
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The Death of Engineer McAllister

Charles McAllister, well-known C&O ferryboat engineer, died of consumption at his home in South Portsmouth at an early house this morning. Hea leaves a wife, Mrs. Maud McAllister. Miss Miriam McAllister, and Mrs. Stella McGlone, the latter of Vanceburg, Kentucky, were sisters. Charles was a son of James McAllister, also a marine engineer, of Gallipolis, and had many friends, who are grieved over his untimely death. He was a member of Scioto lodge, No. 31, IOOF and Seneen Tribe of Red Men. The Scioto Odd Fellows will have charge of the funeral which will take place from English cemetery, Sunday afternoon.”1

  1. Engineer mcallister dead. (1903, February 14). Portsmouth Times, p. 7.
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