“Virginia Frost, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 Vernon Frost of Stout, Adams county, died in Mercy hospital at 5:30 AM today of a shotgun wound in the left chest. The small shot, according to Coroner Virgil Fowler, were self-inflicted, and caused lung hemorrhages. The shot missed the heart.”
“According to relatives who talked with the coroner, the girl resented a chastisement from the parents after she remained away from home all night. About midnight Sunday she obtained a neighbor’s shotgun from the kitchen of the Frost home.”
“The parents said they did not hear the report of the gun but did hear the girl’s calls for help. She was moved to the hospital here about 12:30 AM.”
“Surviving are the parents and five brothers and sisters: Donald, Billie, Jeanette, Dianne and Jackie, all at home, and the grandparents, Mr.2 and Mrs.3 WF Knauff, at whose residence the Frost family lives.”
“The body was moved to the Blaine Nesbit funeral home at Manchester.”4
Funeral Announcement for Virginia Frost

“Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 PM at the home near here for Virginia Frost, 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Frost who died early Monday in Mercy hospital, Portsmouth, from a shotgun wound in the left chest. Reverend LE Carr of the First Presbyterian church will officiate. Burial will be made in Sandy Springs cemetery.”5
Ohio Certificate of Death for Virginia Frost6

The Headstone of Virginia Frost at Sandy Spring Cemetery in Adams County, Ohio.

- Patience Naomi Knauff Frost
- William Franklin Knauff
- Lucille Ellen Hayslip Knauff
- Gun wound fatal for girl at stout. (1942a, March 2). Portsmouth Times, p. 11.
- Virginia Frost. (1942, March 3). Portsmouth Times, p. 11.
- “Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953,” database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-9P2P-SVNW?cc=1307272&wc=MD9X-9WL%3A287598801%2C293812601 : 21 May 2014), 1942 > 17701-20700 > image 1934 of 3250.