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Dad Brown Fell From Grace Again and Is in the Station House.

Dad Brown Fell From Grace Again and Is in the Station House.
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Dad Brown Fell From Grace Again and Is in the Station House.

He and Mandy Martin Were Captured in “Paradise Alley” Last Night-Police News.

“Dad” Brown, who was until lately a member of the Seventh street fire station crew, is languishing behind the bars of the station house. “Dad” fell from grace many moons ago and served a term in the Cincinnati workhouse for various infidelities. Recently he has been consorting with a female known to fame as Mandy Martin. The couple were surprised in bed at Mandy’s home, in “Paradise Alley,” last night and were both locked up. Prospects are bright for an extended sojourn at the workhouse.”1.

  1. Dad brown fell from grace again and is in the station house. (1898, March 17). The Portsmouth Daily Times.
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