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“After more than a year’s illness of complications death at 11:20 o’clock last night claimed Mrs. George Nagel, the final summons coming at her home, 1217 Grandview avenue.”

Mrs. Clara Nagel was born at South Webster, this county, 38 years ago. Her maiden names was Clara Wesley. She was married 18 years ago to George Nagel.”

“Besides the husband two children, Gertrude and Evelyn survive.”

“Ever since their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Nagel had made Portsmouth their home. Mrs. Nagel had made many friends here who will learn of her death with genuine sorrow. Mr. Nagel is employed in the Drew factory. His legion of friends will join with him in his hour of sorrow. Mrs. Nagel was a member of the United Brethren church this city and was also a member of Mrs. William Haney’s sunday School class.”

“Funeral services will be held from the home Wednesday with Reverend EH Dailey in charge. Burial will be in Greenlawn.”12

  1. Mrs. clara nagel. (1921, October 31). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 10.
  2. Additional information reveals that the above story may be incomplete. The 1880 Federal Census shows that at the estimated age of 15, Clara was living in Portsmouth with two other youths by the name of Wesley, and was listed as the head of household. The 1882 marriage license shows Clara’s father’s name as William Hall and the mother Jane Davis. Additionally it also reveals that her husband George may have truncated his name from Spitznagle to either Nagel or Nagle.
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