“Memorial Day will be observed at Buena Vista Monday when special services will be held at the Presbyterian church in which the Odd Fellows, Junior Order and people in general will participate.”
“John T. Sullivan is chairman of the committee on arrangements. The services will be held in the forenoon and Reverend Diebert will preach the memorial sermon.”
“In the afternoon all will march to the cemetery where services will also be held during the strewing of flowers on the graves of fallen heroes and loved ones.”1

“Memorial day was fittingly observed by the citizens of the Buena Vista, the GAR, Junior Order, Odd Fellows and the public in general taking part in the exercises held at the Presbyterian church.”
“A splendid crowd attended and enjoyed the patriotic addresses of the two orators of the day, which included Reverend Frank Gilliland, Reverend JE Dibert, Reverend HJ Allsup2 and Reverend AD Singer3. The program was interspersed with excellent music and singing.”
“Preceding the exercises a parade was given, 400 being in line, including 30 veterans, and marches to the martial music of a drums corps that headed the procession.”
“In the afternoon the procession marches to the cemetery at Sandy Springs, where the exercises were continues and the graves of the old soldiers buried there were decorated by little girls dressed in white.”
“The crowd at the cemetery was estimates at near 800 and was a fine tribute paid to the departed one.”4
- Memorial day at buena vista. (1910a, May 28). Portsmouth Times, p. 5.
- Dr. Herbert Justin Allsup
- Reverend Adam D. Singer
- Memorial day observed at buena vista. (1910b, June 4). Portsmouth Times, p. 3.