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The Obituary of Lola Esther Peach

The Obituary of Lola Esther Peach
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The Obituary of Lola Esther Peach

The granite headstone of Lola Esther Peach at Batterson Cemetery in Scioto County, Ohio.

“Funeral services for Lola Esther Peach, daughter of Alfred and Grace Peach, who died Sunday were held from the shumway chapel Tuesday at 2:30 PM with Reverend KR Garner officiating. Interment was in the Batterson cemetery under the direction of JC Warne of Minford.”

“Lola Esther was born at Sunshine, near Sciotoville, August 29, 1914 and died suddenly after a brief illness Sunday, November 23, 1930. She was a first grade pupil at the Minford High school. Surviving are her parents, six sisters, one brother and numerous relatives and friends.”1

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