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Plans for YWCA are Being Pushed

Plans for YWCA are Being Pushed
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Plans for YWCA are Being Pushed

The YWCA at 902 2nd Street in Portsmouth, Ohio. The YWCA rented the Grimes Hotel for its purposes.

“The large parlor of the Pearl Selby home was crowded Friday morning with women interested in work for young women in the city.” Miss Maclaren sang “All the World is Dying for a Little Bit of Love” and no one seemed to even to try to restrain the tears as Miss Miller illustrated the theme of the song with instances from her own experiences in this city and other places.”

“While many of these women have long been anxious to meet the needs in some way, even they were aroused to a deeper realization of the great temptations besetting the hundreds of girls coming to the city to work. They were impressed with their responsibility in assisting these girls while they are gaining an industrial education in factory, store, or other place of labor that will enable them to earn a living wage. Such assistance is given scores seeking education along other lines in the schools, colleges, etc., to fit themselves for their lifework, but many have failed to see the duty and privilege in this connection.”

“The Young Women’s Christian association offers the best way to meet this need along with the other needs, social, physical, intellectual and spiritual to which it ministers. It is undenominational and its privileges open to all who will avail themselves. Miss Miller explained in some detail the principles and work of the association giving those present a knowledge of its breadth and effectiveness quite new to many.”

“It was announced at the tabernacle, Friday night, that at the woman’s meeting to be held at Trinity church, Sunday afternoon, Miss Hughes, state secretary of the YWCA, would be present, for she has set her heart upon seeing a YWCA organized in Portsmouth. At the woman’s meeting addresses will also be made by Mrs. Sunday, Miss Miller, and Miss Maclaren.”1Plans for YWCA are being pushed. (1911e, February 4). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 7.2

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