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Charles Smith Killed in Nevada

Charles Smith Killed in Nevada
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Charles Smith Killed in Nevada

“Killed for his money as he slept in his lonely mountain cabin several miles from Tonopah, Nevada, the decomposed body of Charles Smith, a former Scioto Countian was found by neighbors, Monday. The last seen of him alive was on August 12.”

“The news of his death was received by his uncle John Cooper Smith an aged resident of Waits, in a telegram from the county authorities at Tonopah.”

“The murdered man was 35 years of age and single.”

“The left for the west some years ago and has been following the occupation of a miner. Three years ago he visited relatives in this.”

“No clew has been obtained to the perpetrator of the crime.”1

Nevada Certificate of Death for Charles Smith2

Stamped metal grave marker for Charles Smith

Photograph of the stamped metal placard attached to the wooden headboard grave marker for Charles Smith. Image used by permission of FindAGrave contributor oObuttonOo.

  1. Find body. (1906, August 25). Portsmouth Times, p. 5.
  2. “Nye, Nevada, United States records,” images, FamilySearch ( : Apr 3, 2024), image 61 of 205; Nevada. County Court (Nye County).
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