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Man Kills Step-Father Defending Mother

Man Kills Step-Father Defending Mother
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Man Kills Step-Father Defending Mother

“Last Saturday evening, Mr. Baker, living near Harrisonville, shot and killed his step-father, Jacob Gilliland. The later was crazy with liquor and attacked his wife with a knife with a razor blade. Mr. Baker interfered to save his mother’s life, when the infuriated man turned upon him, and cut him in several places, Mr. Baker was compelled to draw his revolver and shoot Gilliland to save his own life. He shot three times, the first and third shots missing, and the second taking effect in Gilliland’s throat. He pursued Baker to the foot of stairs, when he dropped dead. A jury impanelled to inquire into the facts, found that Baker was justifiable in his action.”1

  1. Parracide. (1875, March 6). Portsmouth Times, p. 3.
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