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Charles Barnhart Found in Scioto River

Charles Barnhart Found in Scioto River
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Charles Barnhart Found in Scioto River

“A body recovered from Scioto river Thursday noon was identified as that of Charles E. Barnhart, 67, Chillicothe, retired farmer, who disappeared April 16.”

“Identification was made by a son, John Barnhart, Chillicothe, who viewed the body in Melcher funeral home, Thursday night.”

“Barnhart identified the body by scars, clothing, a pocket knife, and a bank book containing the initials CEB.”

“Efforts of Sheriff Al Bridwell led to identification. Bridwell recalled that about three weeks ago the sheriff of Ross county asked him to look for Barnhart, who was missing from his home. When the body was found Bridwell said it answered the description of the missing man. He notified the Ross county sheriff, who in turn, notified the son.”

“Barnhart is survived by his widow1 and nine children2. The widow and five children reside in Columbus. In early April he went from Columbus to Chillicothe to work on his son’s farm and disappeared April 16. Mystery surrounds his disappearance and cause of drowning was not determined.”

“Melcher removed the body to Chillicothe Friday morning. Thursday noon, Charles Carr, 1827 Jackson street; Woodrow Dill, 410 Campbell avenue, and Arley Alley, Fourth and Madison streets, saw the body floating under Scioto river bridge.”

“Dill and Alley enlisted the aid of Ernest Payton, 3 Front street, who was in a john boat near the scene. The trio rowed out and recovered the body.”3

  1. Anna Kneece Barnhart
  2. Orley Nemiah Barnhart, Nellie Barnhard, Elsie Barnhart, Ida Elizabeth Barnhart, John M. Barnhart, Esther L. Barnhart, Charles Albert Barnhart, Edith Jean Barnhart, Walter D. Barnhart
  3. Son identifies body as father. (1933, May 12). Portsmouth Times, p. 47.
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