“Despondent because he could not bring about a reconciliation between himself and his wife of a year, Edward McCoy, 48, of 1826 Timmonds Avenue, took his life Wednesday at the home of his estranged wife, Mrs. Bessie Conrad McCoy of Russell Road. Mr. McCoy had gone to the home to talk to his wife, from whom he had been seperated about two weeks, and used a razor to cut his throat and left wrist when the interview was of no avail. Coroner Virgil Fowler investigated.”
“Patrolman Everett Weghorst called Emrick’s ambulance and the victim was rushed to Mercy hospital where he died at 2:00 PM Wednesday. Unable to talk, he pulled an envelop from a pocket and handed it to the patrolman. It was a farewell note.”
“He was born February 14, 1900, in Portsmouth, a son of John and Louise Distel McCoy. For 25 years he had been employed by the Norfolk & Western Railway as a machinist.”
Surviving Mr. McCoy are his wife; his mother, Mrs. Louise McCoy, with whom he resided and these brothers and sisters, Howard of Detroit, Walter Sr., Murray and Harry of Portsmouth, Mrs. Malcom Shy1 of California and Mrs. James Forrest3
- Hilda Louise McCoy Shy
- Nellie Elizabeth McCoy Forrest/efn_note] of Roanoke.”
“Mr. McCoy was a member of All Saints Episcopal church and he Eagles lodge.”
“The body is at Lynn funeral home, where funeral rites will be held at 10 AM Saturday with Reverend Laurence Hall in charge. Interment will be in Greenlawn cemetery.”2Edward McCoy. (1948, September 16). Portsmouth Times, p. 18.