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In Memoriam to Mary H. Gaylord

In Memoriam to Mary H. Gaylord
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In Memoriam to Mary H. Gaylord

“At a meeting of the pupils of Rose Ridge seminary held January 20th, 1869, the following preamble and resolutions in regard to the death of Mary H. Gaylord, presented by a committee appointed for that purpose, were unanimously adopted.”

“Whereas- It has pleased our Heavenly Father, in whose hands are the issues of life and death, to call home to himself from our hitherto unbroken band, out friend and classmate, Mary H. Gaylord, we, the teachers and pupils of Rose Ridge Seminary, in chapel assembled this morning o’er whose hearts the shadow of the dark messenger still lingers, as we behold a vacant chair, and listen in vain for a loved voice now hushed in the silence of the tomb, accept and adopt the following resolutions as testifying, though in but feeble measure, our sense of bereavement, deep and sincere, and out resignation to his will, who seeth not as a man seeth, but who doeth all things well.”
“Resolved- By the death of Mary H. Gaylor this institution has been deprived of a true friend- its faculty, of a much loved and affectionate scholar -its pupils, of a companion whose gentle words and actions have left a memory which should long remain green in their hearts.”

Resolved- While we mourn truly for the loss of our friend, we find consolation in the thought that the same Providence which hath bower our heads in sorrow, hath crowned hers with everlasting gladness- that though she answers no more to her name on earth, she hath an ‘angel name’ to which she joyfully replies in that upper and holier school, whose pupils are the white-robed redeemed and whose teacher is Christ.”

“Resolved- That we endeavor to sanctify our spiritual good, the lesson taught in this dispensation of God’s wisdom and providence – the uncertainty of life and the awful certainty of death- learning from the eloquent teaching of her peaceful transition from earth to heaven, the duty of constant preparation for the hour in which the bride-groom cometh- striving so to live, that she from her celestial home, looking down upon us here, may know that being dead she yet speaketh in the lives of her school companions, so that in that great final day when we stand around the great white throne, she will seek and fund us among that bright throng upon whose histories the recording angel hath written ‘beautiful and true’ and to whom the Judge of the universe said ‘well done good and faithful servants.'”

“Resolved- That we offer to the family of our departed friend, the heartfelt sympathy of those who have known and loved her well, are taught by their own sorrow to appreciate the keener grief of those whose home has been made desolate by this afflicting Providence.”

“Resolved- That we wear as a testimonial of respect and affection, for Mary H. Gaylord’s memory, the usual badge of mourning, for thirty days.”

“Resolved- That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family, and for publication in the Portsmouth paper- Republican, Tribune and Times
“Committee: Louise Bevitt, Helen Lang, Gertrude Smith, Nannie Lampton, Mattie Swan”1

  1. In memoriam. (1869, January 30). Portsmouth Times, p. 1.
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