“Sallie McCandless, the notorious Eleventh street madam, whose part in the Kelley-Myers escapade has won her so much notoriety, got her sentence today. Judge Collins overruled the motion for a new trial. Sentence of eighteen months in the penitentiary was passed upon her. The court was inclined to be lenient, considering defendant’s age, she is 57, and from the fact that is the first case of the kind to come before the court in this county. Sallie’s attorneys have not abandoned the fight yet, and it is quite likely the case will be fought through circuit court.”
“In the case of the thirteen-year-old Holt boy, indicted for rape, the court concluded it would do no good to send the youngster to the reform school. He was called into court and given such a lecture by the judge as would make any bad boy turn over a new leaf and be good. The boy was dismissed, pending his good behavior.”
“Elizabeth A. Hammonds was granted a divorce from Erastus Hammonds this morning. Willful absence was the grounds on which it was granted.”1