“Edmond Walsh, an old and highly respectable citizen of Brush Creek township, residing on Bloody Run, died suddenly, at the residence of John Spellacy, on the Calvert farm, in Washington township, last Thursday evening. Mr. Walsh and his son had been to the city with a wagon load of pork, having disposed of which he was returning home. that day, reaching Mr. Spellacy’s, it was late in the afternoon, and a driving snow storm was falling. Mr. Spellacy, by earnest persuasion, induced Mr. Walsh to remain over night. During the evening he was in good spirits, and at half past 5 o’clock, while engaged in conversation, he fell from his chair with a moan. The family gathered around him and lifted him from the floor, but he was dead. Mr. Walsh has had several attacks of heart disease, pre-disposed by over-exerting himself at his advanced age, last year, to prevent the spread of fires that raged so furiously in his township.”
“He was a naive of County Clare, Ireland, and emigrated to this country in 1848. He was 64 years of age at the time of his death, and leaves five children, four sons and one daughter, all of whom are grown. He came to Scioto county in 1854, and after a residence of two years in this city, he removed to Brush Creek township, where by his industry he acquired a comfortable home.”
“His hospitality was widely known, and no stranger was ever turned from his door. Standing high in the community in which he lived, his death will be deeply regretted therein. The remains were removed to his home yesterday, and he will be interred in the Catholic burying ground1, this afternoon.”2Sudden death. (1876, February 5). Portsmouth Times, p. 2.