“Floyd Barlow came near being trampled to death by one of the horses of the Seventh street fire department Sunday morning. He is a son of Josiah Barlow, the driver of the hook and ladder wagon.”
“Floyd went to the engine house to assist his father with his work and had stepped into the stall to curry the horse, when it whirled and kicked him, knocking him down. This seemed to infuriate the animal, and it began trampling and pawing him with its front feet; and before he could be extricated from his perilous position he was badly injured. He was taken to his home and a doctor summoned.”
“An examination showed that no bones were broken, but he was severely bruised about the shoulders and side, a bruise on his leg just below the knee and an ugly gash above the knee which required several stitches to close up.”
“The vicious actions of the animal were a surprise to the members of the fire department, as he had never shown such inclinations before, but it is probably the horse objected to being handled by a stranger. Mr. Barlow certainly made a narrow escape.”1