“On Tuesday afternoon last, a difficulty took place out the pike, which resulted in a negro named Newman Redman, being shot in the breast. The negroes were celebrating the 1st of August at Dugan’s woods, about 2 miles from the city. Teams had been hired at Maklem‘s livery stable, and the employees at the stable hearing the horses were being abused, went after them. They met Redman in one of the buggies on the pike, and pulled him out of it. They afterward went to the grounds to see about the other horses. They were ordered away, and an altercation took place in which knives, clubs, et cetera, were displayed. Some of the negros followed after the buggy, making violent demonstrations, when John Schultz, one of the livery stable men, fired his revolver and shot Redman in the breast. The wound was thought at first to be fatal, but the physician now says he will be about in a few days. Schultz game himself up, and was bound for $1000, for his appearance before Mayor Lynn, on the 15 inst., when the matter will undergo legal investigation.”1