Person Place

Sexton’s Report of Burials for December 1871

“1st- Charles Lawson, aged twenty years.
1st- John Speed, aged eighty-six years; heart disease.
3rd- Mrs. Philippa Davy, aged eighty years.
4th- Elizabeth Nichel, aged sixty-six years, two months and five days; disease dropsy.
5th- Mrs. Elizabeth Reinhart1, aged forty-one years, five months and eight days; disease in ward sickness.
5th- Harry Gregory, aged sixteen years and seven days; disease typhoid fever.
6th- Florence A. Bishop, aged three years, three months and seventeen days; disease chronic diarrhea.
9th- Jennie Gross, (colored,) aged twenty-six years, disease child bed fever.
11th- Edward Watson, aged three years; disease pneumonia.
15th- Child of Hiram Price
15th- Caroline Hedenszelt, aged seven years; disease scarlet fever.
16th- Charles M. Lucas, (colored.)
17th- Mr. Moses Gregory, aged seventy-one years.
18th- Prince William Robeson, (colored,) age unknown.
19th- Littleton Charity, (colored,) aged fifty-five years, five months and nineteen days.
22nd- Child of Mr. DeWolf
23rd- Catherine Robeson, (colored,) age unknown.
29th- Ezra Jeffords, aged sixty-seven years, disease dropsy.
30th- MN Parker, (colored,) aged about one year.
31st- Child of Mrs. Cash, aged about one year.”2

  1. The name as it appears on the headstone is Elizabeth Reinert, wife of John Jacob Reinert
  2. City cemetery. sexton’s report of burials for december, 1871. (1872, January 6). Portsmouth Times, p. 2.