“John, son of Mrs. JN Lutz1, died this morning at 4 o’clock of consumption aged twenty-two years and eight months. Deceased lived with his mother at No. 311 East Ninth street and until recently was an employee of Drew Selby & Company, shoe factory. He was born in this city at No. 89 West Second street, and in addition to his widowed mother leaves two brothers: LB2 who is now at El Paso, Texas, for his health, and Rollie3, also two sisters Mrs. Fred Smith4 and Madeline Lutz.”
“The deceased was a popular young man who had hosts of friends in Portsmouth where his life had been spent. The funeral services will take place on Monday from the house at 2 PM.”5
- Anna Mary Justice Lutz
- Louis B. “Lou” Lutz
- Royal O. “Rollie” Lutz
- Lillian “Lillie” Lutz Smith
- Obituary. (1899, January 14). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 5.