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Hotel Worker Dies in Mishap on West Side

Hotel Worker Dies in Mishap on West Side
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Hotel Worker Dies in Mishap on West Side

Bert J. Hurth, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. AI Hurth1, 821 Second street, was killed in an automobile accident on Moore’s lane, West Side, at 12:30 AM today.”

“Miss Lucille Baker, 22, of 608 Second street, was injured seriously.”

Charles W. Danzer, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Danzer, 715 Ninth street, received minor hurts. Mr. Danzer and Miss Baker were occupants of the Hurth car which was driven by Mr. Hurth.”

“Hurth died about the time of his arrival at Portsmouth General hospital. A crushed chest caused death. Beside the chest injury he suffered head injuries, fractured left arm, lacerated right arm and internal injuries.”

“Miss Baker is suffering with a slight skull fracture, possible internal abdominal injuries and bruises. Mr. Danzer suffered minor lacerations.”

“Hurth was employed as a clerk in Hurth hotel and Danzer is employed at the hotel which is operated by AI Hurth2. Both work the night shift and decided to go swimming after work. About three automobile loads of friends started to Moore’s landing to swim in the Ohio river.”

“As the cars were traveling south on Moore’s lane, Hurth sounded his horn to pass a car in front. As he pulled to the left to pass a front wheel struck a culvert and caused the machine to somersault and landed on its top. The car skidded along on its top for several yard. Hurth and Miss Baker were pinned under the wreckage and Danzer was thrown clear of the car.”

“Hurth was placed in a car driven by Merle Beekman, and Miss Baker was placed in Sherman Parker’s car. The Beekman car broken down at Ninth and Chillicothe streets and Hurth was transferred to Parker’s car. Hurth remained conscious and urged the driver to hurry.”

“The accident occured about three-fourths of a mile south of A&P highway on a slight curve. The road is graveled and narrow and the culvert walls were hidden from view by weeds.”

“Z-rays were taken of Miss Baker’s injuries by VE Fowler3. Dr. JW Obrist4 attended the injured. Mr. Hurth’s body was removed to Lynn funeral home.”

Dr. Ross M. Gault, coroner, Frank Purdy and HT Caldwell5l, deputy sheriffs and RL Dunaway and Thomas Sprague, state police are investigating the accident.”

“Bert J. Hurth, a son of Adolph I. Hurth, was born in Portsmouth January 28, 1914. In addition to his parents he is survived by three brothers: Charles A., Robert L. and Alan G. Hurth.”

“Bert Hurth was graduated from Portsmouth High school in the class of 1931. Previous to entering PHS he attended St. Mary’s school. Since leaving school he held a clerkship in the Hotel Hurth, and despite his youthfulness, he was widely known to the traveling public”

“Mr. Hurth was a nephew of Miss Elsie Klein of Cincinnati, whose mother, Mrs. Rickey Hinkle Klein6 died on May 13. Colonel AS Beyer of the Raven Rock airport flew to Cincinnati today and piloted Miss Klein to Portsmouth.”

“Funeral services probably will be held in St. Mary’s church at 8:30 AM Saturday and will be conducted by Reverend Friar TA Goebel. Burial probably will be in the Klein burying ground in St. Mary’s cemetery in St. Bernard, Cincinnati.”7

  1. Loretta “Lottie” Klein Hurth
  2. Adolph Ignatius Hurth
  3. Virgil Eugene Fowler
  4. John William Obrist
  5. Herbert T. Caldwell
  6. Fredericka Henkel Klein
  7. Hotel worker dies in mishap on west side. (1934, July 26). Portsmouth Times, p. 1.
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