“Theodore Barnes, “Taylor,” yardmaster of the B&O SW Railroad at this place, while coupling cars last Monday, was caught between the bumpers and so severely crushed that he died the next evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. Barnes came to this city from Wellson about four months ago. He was a sober and hardworking man, and his death will fall hard upon the widow1 and three orphan children2, who are left in straightened circumstances.”3
- Either Taylor remarried immediately after the death of his wife, Mary Kelley Barnes, in August 1889 or this is an editorial oversight.
- John T. Barnes, their son and Spanish-American War Veteran, was also killed in a railroad accident in 1905.
- Between the bumpers: Taylor Barnes meets death in the yards of the B&O.S.W. (1890, November 6). Portsmouth Times, p. 4.