“Portsmouth Chamber of Commerce Aviation committee discussed plans Friday afternoon to enlarge Raven Rock airport runway and to seek civil aeronautics board approval of the port as a class 2 airport.”
“B. Leroy Compton, chairman of the committee, reported that a 3500 foot runway will be required to land commercial planes. The airport site has 2800 feet available for runway. The committee hopes to acquire a section of the county infirmary farm and a section of the Mrs. Clarice Bauer farm to extend the runway to 3500 feet.”
“Mrs. Bauer has offered the committee a section of her farm as a memorial to her late husband, Edward Bauer, South Webster merchant. The farm adjoins the airport on the west.”

“Mr. Compton reported that TH Davis, president of Piedmont Aviation, Inc. of Winston-Salem, advised the committee that the corporation’s commercial planes will land here if 3500 feet of runway is provided.”
“The committee authorized renewal of a protest against elimination of airmail pickup service here, Mr. Compton and Louis Michel, secretary of C of C, are to compile air mail figures to show CAB the need of air service.”
“The committee also will assist City Manager Donald Wagner in filing a new application for approval as a class 2 port.”1