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Fergus Gagen Fell to Sleep on Train Track

Fergus Gagen Fell to Sleep on Train Track
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Fergus Gagen Fell to Sleep on Train Track

“The mangled remains of Fergus Gagen, the former Scioto countian, who was run down by a N&W train at Nolan, West Virginia, arrived here Wednesday night, and were removed to Lynn’s undertaking establishment.”

“The body lay on a cot, and was in charge of the dead man’s brother, WW Gagen, and brother-in-law, JD Elder, of Shawnee. They had gone to West Virginia immediately upon hearing of the accident.”

“It was intended to remove the body to Otway on the early train Thursday morning, but owing to the lateness of the hour, Wednesday night, the necessary transportation papers could not be gotten in time. The body was shipped there on the afternoon train.”

“Mr. Elder told the Times that Gagen was dead when he and the man’s brother reached Nolan Wednesday. From what they could gather, he had draw his money from the Nolan Coal company, intending to return to his home in Shawnee, Ohio. He was walking along the track, and it is supposed stepped from one track to another directly in front of a freight train. The man was thirty years of age and unmarried. His parents are dead. Martin Smith of Otway, was an uncle. Other Shawnee relatives arrived here Thursday to attend the funeral.”

“The official report of the accident was received at N&W Division headquarters, Thursday morning. According to it, Gagen made a statement admitting that he had been drinking, laid down on the track and fell asleep. He woke up just as the engine wheel passed over his legs. Both legs were cut off. The accident occured at 11 o’clock Tuesday morning, and he lived until 6 o’clock Wednesday morning.”1

  1. The details of the accident. (1904, December 17). Portsmouth Times, p. 1.
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