After resetting the marble marker we repaired and cleaned for Daniel White at Shumway Cemetery #2, near the Minford Airport in Harrison Township, we called Madison Township Trustee Chris Rase to give him update on our progress. Hearing that he was nearby at Butler-Martin Cemetery, and needing to get some photographs from that particular location. We thought we’d swing by.
Fortunately, Chris had already done much of the heavy lifting in uprighting many monuments, and we made our recommendation of Tim Fohr of Hallowed Ground Cemetery Preservation LLC for larger longer-term project. Unfortunately, we didn’t have any D/2 Antibiological Solution on hand, but it would do well at this cemetery as it receives a lot of sun and the trees are kept trimmed. We also came across several older silt-stone markers which in this region seem to need a lot less care than the newer marble markers.
Hopefully we’ll be back out to this location soon to more fully document it.