“After having survived weeks of pain as a result of burns on her face and body from the abdomen up, little Margaret Ginn died unexpectedly yesterday at Haywood hospital. Margaret was 2 years old and the second youngest of the four daughters of Frank Ginn and Rose Ginn1, who live at Salt Lick in Lewis county.”
“Three weeks ago, through the efforts of the Reverend Riley Crump2, the child was brought to Hayswood hospital for treatment of burns she had received 10 days before. Her plight attracted county-wide attention as Margaret’s folks lacked the means to care for her and hospital care funds were asked from volunteer donors.”
“Besides her parents, Margaret leaves three sisters, whose ages are 173, 134, and 6 years old.”5
Kentucky Certificate of Death for Margaret L. Ginn
The Small Metal Grave Marker for Margaret Ginn
- Rosella Harris Ginn
- Rayleigh L. Crump
- Wanda Ginn
- Helen Marie Ginn
- Burns Fatal for Lewis County Child. (1940, April 18). Portsmouth Times, p. 3.