Laura Lane, a Former Resident of Paradise Alley, Took a Dose of Morphine
The Portsmouth Times. May 24, 1902
“Laura Lane, a colored girl who several years ago made her home in Paradise Alley and was often arrested, committed suicide in Columbus Monday night.”
“She left Portsmouth about a year ago and went to Columbus, where she lived in Hickory Alley. She had a lover, Bell by name, who deserted her for another and it was jealousy that prompted her to take the morphine.”
“Soon after swallowing the poison, she informed the other inmates of the house what she had done and they notified the police. Four physicians responded and tried to save the girl’s life, but after two hours of work she collapsed, and died.”
“She was related to William Price the barber, who was advised of her death. He expects the remains will be sent here, but is not certain. The girl’s parents have been dead for years.”1