“Bailey Post at a meeting Friday night, adopted the following resolutions on the death of Lafayette Sickles:”
“Whereas, Death through the unseen and unknown providence of a just God, has again invaded our thinly growing ranks and has taken from us our highly esteemed comrad, Lafayette Sickles, who served his country during the Civil war, in Company H, Fifty-sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry.”
“He was a loyal member of Bailey Post No. 164, GAR, always attending the post meetings until he became physically unable to do so.”
“Resolved, that in his death Bailey Post lost a faithful and true member, one whose cheery disposition and kindness of heart made it a pleasure to meet and greet him. We shall, therefore, hold him in grateful remembrance.”
“Resolved, that Bailey Post extended to the bereaved widow1 and children of our deceased comrade, our sincere sympathy for the great loss they have sustained in the death of a loving father and indulgent father.”
“It is therefore ordered that our post charter be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days, and that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the widow and family of our departed comrade, and that the same shall be spread upon the records of the Post.”2
“WH Williams3, John D Jones, H Kugelman4“
- Margaret Wilson Sickles
- Resolutions of Respect. (1913, January 27). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 4.
- William Huston Williams
- Henry Kugelman