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A Sad Drowning at Buena Vista

A Sad Drowning at Buena Vista
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A Sad Drowning at Buena Vista

“News reached the city today of a sad drowning which occurred yesterday afternoon near Buena Vista, the victim being Jesse, the little ten year old son of David Metzer1, a prominent farmer in that community.”

“The accident occurred shortly after noon. The two little sons of Mr. Metzer, Walter2 aged twelve and Jesse3 aged ten went out for a row on the river. They were having a big time rocking the boat when Jesse, the younger, lost his balance and fell into the water. Neither of the boys could swim and Walter could render his brother no assistance the latter after a brief struggle sank in twenty-five feet of water.”

“The alarms was at once given and a big crowd soon collected. Grappling hooks and ropes were secured and the river dragged but at a later hour last night the body was not recovered and the search abandoned until this morning. When our Times’ informant came to town, the body had not yet been found. Mr. Metzer has the sympathy of the entire community.”4

  1. David Watson Metzger
  2. Walter Albert Metzger
  3. Jesse Thompson Metzger
  4. A Sad Drowning: A Little Son of David Metzer of Near Buena Vista Drowned Yesterday Afternoon. (1896, September 28). Portsmouth Daily Times, p. 4.
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