“William and John Dalton, neighbors, saved the home of Jeff Davis from destruction and probably his family from cremation, this Thursday morning.”
“Mr. Davis lives on Brouse’s run, below the infirmary, and his wife being away visiting Cincinnati, arose about 5 o’clock and got his breakfast. He went to the fields and left fire in the stove. Flames were communicated to the building from this, and when the Dalton’s started to drive afield, they saw the structure was being burned up. They drove furiously to the scene, aroused other members of the Davis’ family and John saved the home by climbing on the roof and flooding it with water.”
“The kitchen, together with a sewing machine, all the summer’s canning and considerable other goods stored therein, was totally destroyed.”
“Mr. Davis is a brother of Ewing Davis of this city. He worked in the local rolling mills for years under his father, ‘Pig Iron’ Davis.”1