“Crawford Shaw, a barber, and a woman giving the name of Mabel Abston were arrested by Captain Cooper and Officer Millhuff just after they emerged from the former’s shop on Chillicothe Street near Eleventh Sunday night.”
“Millhuff, who had been shadowing the place, claims to have seen the couple enter the shop through a rear door about 9 o’clock but before Captain Cooper, who was in the East End, could reach the scene fully an hour had elapsed. The police have had the shop under surveillance for some time past.”
“Crawford put his watch and $5 as security for his appearance in court Wednesday and the woman was released on her own recognisance. She claimed to have a husband, who, she said is in West Virginia and tht she was the mother of two children. She formerly lived on Elm street but now resides near Third and Court streets.”
“Harry Heid appeared in court Monday with this head swathed in bandages but Lee Russell did not show up and the hearing of the men on a charge of fighting at the Stockham ice plant was continued until Tuesday morning.”
“Emma Payne and Cora Spalding, colored, were fined $10 each on disorderly charges. It was teh Payne woman’s third appearance in as many days. ‘Florida Kid’ who was with them was ordered held as he was on the verge of a nervous collapse. Carl Sagowitz also drew a $10 fine for disorderly conduct and was ordered to buy a new coat for Officer Delbert Campbell he having torn out a sleeve in resisting arrest.”
“Two men giving the names of Charles Kelly and Wilbert Manning were fined $5 each for intoxication while William Dickerson, a plain drunk, was given a $5 suspended fine. Cleve Sisler, who is wanted for alleged assaulting James Pruitt, has not yet been apprehended.”1