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Anna Yinger Obituary

Anna Yinger Obituary
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Anna Yinger Obituary

Mrs. Peter Yinger, died last evening at her home at Bertha, West Side, aged 78 years. She was born in Holand, Germany in 1824.”

“Her maiden name was Anna Stanauer and came to this country in 1847 with her parents, who settled in Jackson county. She was married there to Peter Yinger in 1849. The family moved to Scioto county after the civil war and have since lived here.”

“Nine children were born to them, six of whom are living, Mrs. WH Boyd, Fred Yinger, Mrs. Mary Geisler, Philip Yinger, Mrs. Mary Miller and Mrs. Kate Coburn.”

Deceased was a member of the German Evangelical church and had many friends both on the West as well as on the East Side.”

“The funeral will take place Wednesday at her late home. Revered A Mallick will conduct the services.”

“Interment will be made in the Union Mills cemetery1.”2

  1. Larkin Cemetery
  2. Death of Mrs. Yinger. (1902, April 26). Portsmouth Times, p. 3.
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