“The body of Private Taylor Walker, who was killed in France in 1918, arrived in New York March 29th, and was shipped to his old home in Siloam, Kentucky, arriving there Friday. The military funeral will be held from the Siloam church Sunday afternoon at one o’clock. Those wishing to attend the last rites of Private Taylor may take the westbound C & O at noon Sunday, returning home on the three o’clock train.”

“Mr. Walker is the son of JT1 and Amanda Walker, the latter dying in 1918. He also leaves a step-mother, Mrs. Sarah Walker, and four sisters and three brothers, as follows: Mrs. Mae Comb of Columbus, Mrs. Maggie Seymour of Chillicothe, Mrs. Mary Clausing of Long Run, Ohio, Joseph Walker of this city, John Walker of Sciotoville, Richard Walker of Siloam, Kentucky.”
“Mr. Walker, who was 30 years of age, served his country for eighteen months, spending six months of this time in France.”2
- John Thomas Walker
- Hero’s Body Arrives At Siloam. (1922, April 21). Portsmouth Times, p. 20.