“One of the aged residents of county passed away when Henry Tieman of Pond Run died on March 20.”
“Mr. Tieman was born in Holland, November 4, 1838, coming to this country in 1864, and locating in Cincinnati, where he followed the occupation of gardener. In 1889 he moved to a farm on Pond Run and lived thereon until his death. He was married to Miss Louisa Huddie on July 17, 1871, and to their union seven children were born, the four surviving him with their mother, being Mrs. Sophia Yeager of Bethel; William, of McGaw, and Henry and John, at home. Joining the Lutheran church at the age of 11, Mr. Tieman was ever afterwards an earnest and consistent member thereof.”
“He was a kind husband and father and a good neighbor, just and patient. For some time prior to July last, when he underwent an operation for cancer at Hempstead hospital, he has been a great sufferer but he bore his pains uncomplainingly and accepted the final call resignedly.”
“The funeral was conducted Saturday afternoon by Reverend Mr. Whitmer, with internment in McKendree cemetery.”1