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Herbert Gray Arrested on Non-Support Charge

Herbert Gray Arrested on Non-Support Charge
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Herbert Gray Arrested on Non-Support Charge

“Herbert Gray was unexpectedly arrested by Humane Officer Harry Ball at New Boston Wednesday afternoon and lodged in jail. Gray is the husband of Elizabeth Gray, the young woman who, one night last week, attempted to abandon her three-year-old son, only to be apprehended by the police. They have been separated and he has never supported the child, it is said.”

“Judge Ball learned he had just returned from northern Ohio, where he has been cutting corn and that he went to New Boston to see the child. Gray started for the river when he saw the officer coming, but changed his mind and ran square into the officer’s arms. He pleaded not guilty to a non-support charge before Squire Byron and was bound over to the common please court in the sum of $500. The child is now being cared for by its grandmother.1

  1. Arrested on Non-Support Charge. (1912, October 5). Portsmouth Times, p. 5.
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