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Frony Hollingsworth: A Bad Girl

Frony Hollingsworth: A Bad Girl
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Frony Hollingsworth: A Bad Girl

Officer Joe Stokley arrested Frony Hollingsworth, 12 year old daughter of George Hollingsworth of North Waller street Tuesday afternoon on complaint of Phil Bauer, the broom manufacturer whose shop is on the same street. The girl is incorrigible and has developed into a habitual street walker. She broke the glass in the kitchen window of RS Prichard’s residence, unfastened the window and entered the house Monday afternoon, but was seen by a son of Phil Bauer, who telephoned the police. She escaped however, before the police came. Her actions Tuesday reached even a higher degree of incorrigibility when Mr. Bauer telephoned for the police and Officer Stokley responded and placed her under arrest. She will likely be sent to the reform school.”1

  1. A Bad Girl. (1904, April 23). Portsmouth Times, p. 9.
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