Event Place

Death of Honorable Harry R Jeffords

“The Daily Citizen, of Tuscan, Arizona, contains the announcement of the death of the above gentleman on the 4th of April, at the age of 36 years. Portsmouth naturally had a deep interest in Mr. J. and his family, as his father and mother were both born in this city. The deceased was a son of the late Judge Elza Jeffords, and his mother was a daughter of the late John R Turner, for many years clerk of our courts. The deceased was a nephew of Mrs. Stout Barklow, of this city.”

“His father, Elza Jeffords, after leaving Portsmouth, located in Dayton, Ohio, where the deceased was born in January, 1855. Shortly afterward, they removed to Natchez, Mississippi. The judge was elected to congress from Mississippi, and held other official positions. Harry, when but 26 years of age, was elected to the Mississippi senate, and served as chairman of the judiciary committee. In 1884 he removed to Arizona, and was elected district attorney for Pine county. In 1889 he was appointed US district attorney for Arizona, which position he held at the time of his death. He leaves a wife and three children. The Citizen speaks of Mr. Jeffords in befitting terms of praise, and says he ‘was undoubtedly one of the brightest legal minds that ever came to this territory.'”

“His mother and eldest brother, Charles, who was born in this city, still reside at Mayersville, Mississippi. It adds to the grief of friends to see one so promising cut down in the prime of manhood.”1

  1. Death of Honorable Harry R Jeffords. (1891, May 2). Portsmouth Times, p. 1.