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Fatal Accident at the Burgess Steel Works

Fatal Accident at the Burgess Steel Works
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Fatal Accident at the Burgess Steel Works

“Yesterday morning, a few minutes before eight o’clock, while three men, Daniel W Collins, Valentine Prestenbach, and Martin Kuebler, 1were hoisting a derrick, preparatory to putting up an iron stack at the Burgess Steel Works, the derrick fell, inflicting injuries upon Mr. Kuebler, which resulted in his death about twenty minutes. His companions escaped unharmed. The men were upon the roof of the building under the derrick, which they were supporting with their shoulder and hands. Unfortunately, Mr. K slipped, when the derrick fell, striking him upon the head, turning him in a summersault. His neck struck the edge of the opening through which the stack is to pass, the sheet iron roofing cutting his arm. He then fell about eight feet, striking an iron standard which is to support the stack, and his fall was continues to the iron below. He was picked up insensible and stimulants were administered by Dr. Weyer, but without effect. The dying man was conveyed to his residence on Fourth street, but before arriving there life was extinct.”

“Mr. Kuebler was 38 years of age, was a respected and industrious citizen, a member of the German Beneficial Association, and leaves a wife2 and four children, the youngest two years of age and the oldest twelve. His grief-stricken wife fell in a swoon when the lifeless body of her husband was brought home, and remained unconscious for over an hour.”

“The mill was immediately stopped, and will not be put in operation until Monday, out of respect to the deceased.”

“The funeral will take place at 3 o’clock this afternoon.”3

  1. correct spelling:Martin Keebler
  2. Sophia Magdalena Miller. She remarried December 14, 1880, to John Steber. John and Martin share a grave marker at Greenlawn Cemetery in Portsmouth, Ohio.
  3. Fatal Accident. (1873, June 21). Portsmouth Times, p. 3.
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